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Pocket Cinema Camera 4K Used With 澳大利亚’s First High School LED Virtual Production Studio

Blackmagic Design today announced that 利文斯通基督教学院 used Blackmagic Design cameras and switchers as part of 澳大利亚's first LED based virtual production high school studio.

利文斯通基督教学院, 总部位于布里斯班和黄金海岸附近的郊区, 澳大利亚, first opened its doors in 2002 and has since grown to a community of more than 1,从预科到12年级的300名学生. As part of the school’s arts program, film and TV production teacher Kenji 李, aka Mr. 陈, built a virtual production workflow aimed at giving students the ability to learn and create on the same tools that Hollywood uses.

李 is the founder and managing director of the multicultural youth filmmaking organization One Song Foundation and is a Queensland TeachX and 澳大利亚n Educator Awards finalist. 李, 以及学校艺术总监加文·科尔斯, began building the studio in early 2022 with support from the HTC VIVE Taiwan and 澳大利亚 team led by Raymond Pao, 业务解决方案高级副总裁.

自从他进了学校, 李安的学生创作了许多电影作品, 包括同意和反欺凌短片, social impact music videos during the pandemic and most recently a sci fi film using the virtual production workflow.

“We want to have the students create films that change the way people think but also prepare them for a career in filmmaking if that is what they want to do. And virtual production is the future of filmmaking so it makes sense to teach it,” 李 explained.

“Lots of universities are thinking about building LED walls and are starting to teach virtual production. 但高中还没有看到这种潜力. At Livingstone we mirror the universities and get the students learning hands on with the technology that is being used by professionals. Blackmagic products are great for this because they are affordable, 高质量,易于学习,李接着说.

The school’s virtual production set up includes access to a 16x9’ LED screen, Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4Ks and ATEM Mini Pro for keying and syncing images with Unreal Engine. The products are used in conjunction with the HTC VIVE Mars CamTrack system, which provides accurate camera tracking and real time compositing for virtual production. Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve is used for LUT creation and color correction.

他们的第一个虚拟产品项目, 学生们创造了一个宇宙飞船的背景,显示在LED屏幕上. 袖珍电影摄像机4k捕捉广角和特写动作, 摄像头输入到ATEM Mini Pro中.

“It was important that the students get hands on with every aspect of virtual production and learn that it was not just standing in front of an LED wall. You have to make sure every piece of gear on set is in sync and understand how lighting, 道具和演员影响时机. It could be very intimidating for students if the technology was too complicated. 黑魔法公司的产品是一个完美的组合。.

从他们的第一次虚拟生产开始, 李 has worked with the students to create several new projects using the same set up, 包括音乐录影带和音乐剧表演.

“The Pocket’s genlock features make them invaluable for virtual production. 它们很容易设置, so instead of spending time on trying to figure out how to make the cameras work the students are able to focus on their own creativity,李说. “尽管它们很容易使用和学习, the cameras get you the most amazing cinematic images so there is no sacrificing the quality of work.”


口袋电影相机4K的产品照片, ATEM Mini Pro, DaVinci Resolve and all other Blackmagic Design products are available at www.blackmagicdesign.com/media/images

关于Blackmagic Design

Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality video editing products, 数码胶片相机, 颜色校正技术, 视频转换器, 视频监控, 路由器, 现场生产切换, 硬盘录像机, waveform monitors and real time film scanners for the feature film, 影视后期制作和广播行业. Blackmagic Design’s DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability in post production, while the company’s Emmy™ award winning DaVinci color correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. Blackmagic Design continues ground breaking innovations including 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI products and stereoscopic 3D and Ultra HD workflows. 由世界领先的后期制作编辑和工程师创立, Blackmagic Design在美国设有办事处, UK, 日本, 新加坡和澳大利亚. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.blackmagicdesign.com